Un mundo sin copyright. Artes y medios en la globalización

Gedisa ,
01 September 2006, Spain

Gedisa has published Un mundo sin copyright. Artes y medios en la globalización by the Dutch arts professor Joost Smiers. This is a translation of Smier's work, Arts Under Pressure, which was first published in English in 2003. The work speaks about the survival of the arts under the influence of the globalised economy and analyses the forces behind decision-making processes in cultural areas. The study includes hundreds of examples of practices taken from all artistic disciplines and from all over the world. Smiers underlines the pressure that art is put under and the economic interests which play a dangerous role in the game. In addition, Un mundo sin copyright defends the protection of cultural diversity in the era of globalisation. Text from Cyberkaris 54, December 2006, Interarts
