Disability equality scheme

Arts Council England,
24 December 2006, England

The Arts Council’s disability equality scheme sets out our approach to achieving disability equality within our own organisation and within the arts and creative sectors that we fund and support. Building on the success of our race equality scheme, the disability equality scheme is a crucial part of Arts Council England’s long-term commitment to diversity and equality in the arts. The scheme also forms part of Arts Council England’s specific duties under the Disability Equality Duty, which came into force on 4 December 2006. The duty requires all public bodies to look at active ways of ensuring that disabled people are treated equally. This means that public authorities will need to actively address issues beyond the physical environment which may create barriers for disabled people.
Arts Council England’s’ disability equality scheme is currently in draft form and it is important that we get feedback on our scheme and action plan from all sections of the arts and creative industries. We are running a consultation process, which will conclude on Friday 2 February 2007.
PUBLICATION: Disability equality scheme
The disability equality scheme and action plan set out Arts Council England's vision for disability equality in the arts. These are draft materials, for consultation.
Author: Arts Council England
Date: 2006
ISBN: 0-7287-1321-7
Pages: 25
Diversity Disability equality scheme (draft) [213 KB] http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/publications/publication_detail.php?browse=recent&id=570
Action plan (draft) [411.5 KB] http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/documents/publications/disabilityequalityscheme_phpNKgZ9w.doc
Consultation sample questions [52.5 KB] http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/documents/publications/phpzy8idR.doc.  
