Mission, Models, Money

Mission, Models, Money,
17 August 2007, England

Mission Models Money seeks to address a the central question - what can be done to deepen understanding of the challenges facing our mission-led arts and cultural organisations and how can we best ensure that their artistic and cultural endeavour thrives in the 21st century? The MMM website has a variety of resources for major arts organistions and funders alike, including:

  • New & Alternative Financial Instruments, a paper commissioned by MMM to explore the potential for the arts and cultural sector to expand its financial toolbox beyond grants.
  • Governance resources
  • The Income Spectrum tool for carrying out a quick diagnostic of the different ways in which organisations bring in funds and what resources, both staff and cash, are outlaid against each income type.
  • Stakeholder Engagement Pack for understanding individual stakeholders' motivations and commitment to an organisation.
  • Top Ten Governance Questions, a checklist tool designed for both trustees and management which can be used to examine governance practices.
