Arts and health policy and strategy

Arts Council Ireland,
17 December 2010, Ireland

The Arts Council has developed a new Arts and Health Policy and Strategy following a period of consultation and research with the arts and health sector. The policy and strategy outlines the Arts Council’s support and understanding of the practice and outlines the values that underpin the Arts Council’s approach to arts and health.  It also outlines strategic actions for the five year period 2010 – 2014.

The Arts Council understands arts and health to be a broad term that embraces a range of arts practices occurring primarily in healthcare settings, which bring together the skills and priorities of both arts and health professionals. It recognises good practice as that which is characterised by a clear artistic vision, goals and outcomes, and aims to promote health and wellbeing by improving quality of life and cultural access in healthcare settings.

The values that underpin the Arts Council’s approach to arts and health practice include:

•Long term strategic partnership and planning;
•integration into the healthcare environment;
•engagement with professional artists and high quality arts experiences;
•inclusive, participant centred approaches; monitoring and evaluation;
•high quality and appropriate documentation and dissemination. The Arts Council promotes practice that has clear artistic vision, goals and outcomes and demonstrates a commitment to these values.
The strategy aims to address some of the key needs identified by the sector including: information and advice, professional development and advocacy and resources. It outlines a series of actions that aim to: promote arts and health at national level; develop strategic resources and supports and foster partnerships.