Towards a better participation of seniors in education and culture

Centre of Professional Training in Culture, Bucharest, Romania,
01 November 2012, Romania

With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, ASLECT is a project funded under KA4 Valorisation sub-programme, which approaches the presence of senior people in cultural organizations, projecting on them a double perspective: as users/beneficiaries of educational and cultural programmes, and equally as learning resources for developing such programmes.

The publication “Towards a better participation of seniors in education and culture”  presents a summary of the results achieved within the ASLECT project throughout the two years of its implementation. The publication intends to be a source of information and inspiration to cultural and educational professionals who aim to develop the educational dimension of their organizations, to run activities and programmes for and with seniors and to contribute to their better integration in the community.

To find out more about the ASLECT project, click here.