Articulate efforts to recover Paraguayan cultural heritage abroad

National Secretary of Culture, Presidency of the Republic, Paraguay,
16 August 2017, Paraguay

The Minister of the National Secretariat of Culture (SNC), Fernando Griffith, received the Deputy Ombudsman, Carlos Vera Bordaberry, on August 16 in his office, with the objective of articulating efforts to contribute to the recovery of Cultural Heritage in the Exterior. 

In that sense, Vera Bordaberry referred to the situation of the "Christian Canyon", which is currently in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and said that the recovery of this Heritage will unite the Paraguayans, as well as be key to the Restoration of the national memory.

For its part, the head of the SNC, agreed on the importance of the recovery and preservation of Heritage, as contemplated in Article 81 "Cultural Heritage" of the National Constitution and added that their efforts must be accompanied by supervision of The Chancellery of the Republic.

"The protection and recovery of Heritage is our obligation by law, the recovery of the Christian Canyon will mean a very important step for the recovery of the self-esteem and memory of the Paraguayan," said Minister Griffith.

The "Cannon Cristiano" is a 12-ton artillery piece manufactured at the Ybycuí Foundry in 1866, with the aim of overthrowing the battleships of the allied army during the War against the Triple Alliance (1865-1870). For the manufacture of this imposing cannon, the bronze bells of the churches that were offered to the Paraguayan Army were fused. This cannon was taken as a trophy of Guerra from the year 1868 and is currently in the National Historical Museum of Rio de Janeiro.