Generating Community: Intergenerational Partnerships and Expressive Arts
The National Centre for Creative Aging ,
01 January 1994, USA
The National Centre for Creative Aging has announced the publication of a new Resource Guides for arts programming for older people.
Generating Community: Intergenerational Partnerships through the Expressive Arts, by Susan Perlstein and Jeff Bliss (1994).
Generating Community is a step-by-step guide to the Elders Share the Arts (ESTA) reminiscence based arts program that pairs senior centres and schools in the same neighbourhood in order to "generate community."
It includes case studies from ESTA's work in transitional neighbourhoods in New York City, as well as advice on all aspects of starting and sustaining an intergenerational arts program.
The resouce is available for purchase from The National Centre for Creative Aging (NCCA), at $15 for non-members and $12 for members (US dollars).
Order forms can be downloaded at:
OR you can send a cheque payable to The National Centre for Creative Aging with the specifics of your order to:
The National Centre for Creative Aging (NCCA)
138 South Oxford Street
Brooklyn, NY
USA 11217