For most people, the decision to be exposed to the experience of an arts event is a simple one. You go, because you choose to go. Providing that choice to people with disabilities is the issue of Access all areas. This guide is intended to be practical, covering actions which are within reach of arts organisations, especially marketing officers and their departments. How to identify this audience, how to reach them and how to provide what they want is the key advice contained in Access all areas.
The guide describes positive steps that can be taken that benefit both the arts organisation and the disability community. Marketing to people with disabilities is about equal opportunity, equal access and the recognition that people with disabilities are valuable members of your audience. Access all areas not only describes the legal reasons why organisations and venues must provide equal access but also shows the benefits for arts organisations and for people with disabilities.
Access all areas was prepared for the Australia Council for the Arts by Accessible Arts and Arts Access and also contains some information from the Arts Council of England's Guidelines for marketing to disabled audiences.