Indigenous trademark website launched by Creative NZ

19 March 2002, New Zealand

National arts development agency Creative New Zealand has launched a website to complement its recently developed Maori Made Mark for indigenous arts product, 'Toi Iho'. The site includes background information to the mark, guidelines for potential applicants, and the ability for artists and stockists of Maori art to order an application pack. Launched on 8 February, Toi Iho is a registered trade mark, aimed at domestic and international markerts, denoting authenticity and quality when attached to a Maori artwork or performance. It was developed over two years by Creative’s Te Waka Toi (Maori Arts Board) in consultation with Maori artists across the country, and is accompanied by two further marks denoting work in collaboration with non-Maoris – the Toi Iho Mainly Maori Mark and the Toi Iho Maori Co-production Mark. The first application round for use of the mark closes on 5 April, and all information can be found online at: