The Arts Council - Ireland,
05 April 2002, Ireland
Provision of arts management, arts/cultural policy
training, and arts board development programmes.
The Arts Council/ An Chomhairle Ealaíon invites tenders for the design and delivery of three elements of a concerted programme of management, policy and governance development for the arts in Ireland.
Tenders may be submitted for all or part of the proposed programme, although the Arts Council sees the initiative to provide management, policy and governance development supports to the sector as an integrated one, and in the course of pre-tender discussions with interested parties may seek to promote a consortium response to this tender.
The successful tender will demonstrate the following:
A track record in management training and development, demonstrating how this will be adapted to support the development of the arts sector;
A proven record in management programme design and delivery;
An indication of the means that will be used to attract and maintain sectoral support for the purposes and values of the programme;
A description of the expert resources that will be assigned to this project.
In responding to the request for tender please forward:
* An operational plan, detailing the work programme and timescale involved in developing, testing and bringing the different elements of the programme to delivery stage;
* The project team profile;
* An indicative budget.
Pre-tender discussions will be undertaken in the week beginning 11th March, based on expressions of interest received no later than 4th March 2002. Please contact Bernadette O'Leary on 618 0225 or [email protected] for an appointment.