Itinerant images on the web
ECAV, CRIC and Pro Helvetia,
01 October 2004, Switzerland
In Autumn 2004, ECAV (the Canton of Valais School of Art), CRIC (Centre for reflection on the image and its contexts) and Pro Helvetia invited 4 artists from 3 continents to exchange art and ideas and to collaborate, critically engage with their origins and artistic attitudes, and at the end of their stay present a work representing the findings of their research.
Over a six week period the artists and facilitators rose to the challenge. The fruits of this interactive experiment can be viewed online.
Although the outcomes are in a sense incomplete, the experiment was a success because the nomadic artists were able to settle temporarily in one place and share their everyday lives and working worlds. Together they debated, argued, watched each other work, asked questions and learned from one another: a true cultural exchange.
[This text was adapted from text included on the Itinerant-images web pages]
To view the web site, CLICK HERE.