In March 2005 the Scottish Executive commissioned Centre for Cultural Policy Research ( CCPR) to undertake research to define "quality of life" ( QOL) in the context of culture, arts and sport and explore ways in which the impact on QOL and sense of well-being through participation in cultural or sport interventions can be identified and measured, both in social and economic terms.
The detailed objectives of the research were: to examine the "bigger picture" of QOL and the definitions already established by previous research; to then "draw in" and focus on the definition of QOL and well-being in the context of culture, arts and sport; to provide a clear understanding of the social and economic benefits flowing from culture and sport projects that enhance QOL and well-being; and to identify social and economic indicators that can be used to measure QOL and sense of well-being impact in relation to culture and sport for possible "piloting" in a follow-up piece of research in the context of a culture or sports "case-study" to be identified by the Executive.