Metropolises of Europe. Diversity in urban cultural life

01 April 2006, Poland

"Metropolises of Europe. Diversity in urban cultural life"; presenting CIRCLE’s research project entitled Metropolis of Europe - Urban cultural life and inter-city cultural interactions for ‘cultural diversity’ in Europe has just been published. The year-long project (February 2005-February 2006) was co-financed by the European Commission within the program “Preparatory actions for co-operation on cultural matters”. CIRCLE (Cultural Information and Research Centres Laison in Europe) was the project leader whilst both Pro Cultura Foundation, and the Associazione per l'Economia della Cultura, were co-organisers of the project. The project was to research issues related to cultural diversity in 6 European metropolises during the last three years. The chosen cities were: Barcelona (Spain), Budapest (Hungary), Paris (France), Tallinn (Estonia), Rome (Italy) and Warsaw (Poland). The reports were presented during the CIRCLE Round Table conference held in Warsaw, on the 23rd - 24th September 2005. The research was additionally enriched by smaller papers on the same theme concerning Berlin, Helsinki, Moscow and Zagreb. All were discussed during the conference, organised by the Pro Cultura Foundation. After the conference, Pro Cultura begun the preparation of the book production, which is the crown-jewel of the research. This 14th CIRCLE publication entitled “Metropolises of Europe. Diversity in Urban Cultural Life” is edited by Dorota Ilczuk and Yudhishthir Raj Isar. Download the pdf HERE.