A research agenda for culture - statistics and indicators

31 October 2007, Portugal

The opening session at the seminar 'Cultural and Creative Sectors at the Lisbon Agenda', 31 October 2007 was on 'A research agenda for culture - statistics and indicators'.
In recent years there is a growing necessity for more suitable statistical tools, aiming at a better knowledge of the cultural and creative sectors and of its economic weight. Accordingly, the first session is intended to put forward future research priorities in the EU. Speakers:
Marta Beck (Cultural Statistics Expert of Eurostat/European Commission - Luxemburg) “Development of cultural statistics in the EU”
Yngve Rosenblad (Leading Statistician in Cultural Statistics - Statistics Estonia) “Culture Statistics in Estonia: the Experiences of Building a New System for Cultural Statistics in a Small Country”
José Soares Neves (OAC Researcher/President of the Task Force for Cultural Statistics - CSE - Portugal) “Cultural or creative statistics? The difficult balance among concepts, policies and resources”
Vesna Copic (Faculty of Social Sciences, University in Ljubljana - Slovenia) “Linkage between national conservatism/autistic modernism and weak cultural policy research”
Carla Bodo (Vice-Chairman of the Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura - Italy) “More transparency in the governance of culture”
