The internationalisation of cultural life

Ministry of Culture,
05 November 2007, Sweden

Changes in the surrounding world have a strong impact on conditions for international cultural exchange and cooperation. Increasingly open national borders make it more difficult to draw a clear and simple distinction between national and international cultural activities.
The development and vitality of Swedish cultural life is dependent on international exchange and cooperation. As a result of this, an international perspective must permeate the activities of cultural institutions and action to promote internationalisation must be integrated into the infrastructure of cultural life and government grant systems.
Culture has assumed an increasingly important role in building relations with other countries in such fields as the promotion of Sweden, democracy promotion and development cooperation. The role of culture and the media for the development of democracy and freedom of expression is becoming increasingly clear. The consequence of this development is that the creators of culture both should, and must be given more scope in the international dialogue.
Internationalisation is a long-term cultural policy process. It was initiated in 2006 through the Government Communication The internationalisation of cultural life (Kulturlivets internationalisering) Govt. Comm. 2005/06:188. The objectives set apply until further notice, while the direction of concrete projects and cooperation is continually examined by the Government and the agencies concerned.
The Ministry of Culture has produced an information pamphlet on its international policies and programs.;jsessionid=aplCfhG0BCr4