Evaluation of school-based arts education programs in Australian schools

Department of Education, Science and Training,
07 November 2007, Australia

This report presents evaluations of four Australian school-based arts programmes. There was a range of ages from Year 4 to Year 10 and a diverse range of backgrounds amongst the participating students. The study investigated the impact of each arts programme on students’ academic progress, engagement with learning and school attendance. It also considered which attributes of arts programmes were of particular benefit to the students.
The report finds that although the evaluation has not been able to provide much hard evidence that students’ academic or learning outcomes are enhanced by involvement in arts programmes, there is consistent evidence across the four sites investigated that the programmes do encourage students to engage with school and with learning. In addition to having intrinsic value, the arts can be an important medium for developing the enabling metacognitive and social skills and attitudes outlined above. Amongst indigenous populations, the programmes encouraged a more positive attitude toward school attendance.
