Rhodri Glyn Thomas, Welsh Assembly Government Heritage Minister has chaired the first meeting of the Arts Strategy Board.
The Arts Strategy Board was set up in response to the recommendation in the Stephens Report (2006) to establish a forum, chaired by the Arts Minister, which would ensure a more joined-up approach to the development of arts policy and strategy in Wales.
Rhodri Glyn Thomas was delighted by the positive and constructive first meeting, and said:
"The Arts Strategy Board signals a change in the way Government and organisations who support and deliver arts provision in Wales work together. This Board demonstrates the Assembly Government's commitment to working in an open, transparent and collaborative manner to ensure we develop policies and strategies that strengthen and develop the arts in Wales.
The Arts Strategy Board will provide me as Minister with expert advice to assist me in the development of policy and strategy for the arts in Wales and to advocate the role of the arts within the Assembly Government. However, I fully re-affirm my commitment to retaining the arm's-length principle with regards to arts funding and I'm grateful to the support I've already received from the Arts Council of Wales since becoming Minister..."
New Arts Board heralds new era for creativity in Wales
Arts Council of Wales,
12 November 2007, Wales