Made in the Med,
15 April 2008, International

Made in the Med: The Challenges of Artistic Exchange in the Mediterranean, a publication on mobility in the Mediterranean area published in English & French by the Roberto Cimetta Fund, is available to download.

Here is an extract from the Introduction....

We always come back to mobility. It’s the magic word of cultural co-operation. But what exactly are we talking about? Between migration – mobility limited by a search for better conditions of life – and what we would call ‘travel’, mobility always has many causes. Between the traveller who freely chooses a destination and the one who depends on a right of entry granted by someone else, the conditions of mobility are hardly the same. Between quick trips and residence, the impact of mobility on the mobile person – and on those who stay behind – is very different.

This publication addresses the mobility of cultural players: a mobility founded, in principle, on a desire for discovery, for reflection and for working together with those who operate in a different cultural context… from one side of the Mediterranean to the other.