General discussion on the right to take part in cultural life

Cultural Rights,
29 April 2008, Spain

The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will organise a Day of General Discussion (DGD) on Friday 9 May 2008 on the right to take part in cultural life (article 15.1.a. of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights).

According to the Committee the aim of the DGD is to foster a deeper understanding of the content and implications of the article. The General discussion will aim at exploring the definition of cultural life in the context of human rights; analysing the right to have access to cultural life and to participation in cultural life; identifying the interlinkages between cultural rights and the universality of human rights and assessing the individual and collective dimensions of the right to take part in cultural life. The DGD is a public meeting and different agencies and NGOs are welcome to take part. The DGD takes place in Geneva, in the OHCHR Palais Wilson.

For more information please check the Committee’s web page at

(Text reproduced from Cultural Rights)