Feedback on the Wales Arts International Draft Strategy

Arts Council of Wales,
07 May 2008, Wales

Wales Arts International (WAI) is embarking on an external feedback process ending on the 4th of July 2008.

Over one hundred people representing every artform and area of Wales participated in the Wales Arts International Forum in the autumn and were asked to reflect and respond to a series of propositions. The feedback and ideas from the working forum have been invaluable in forming the basis for this five year strategy.

WAI will continue to develop the way it engages with the sector over the course of this strategy. WAI is creating a new international advisors panel through the Arts Council of Wales' National List of advisors to support its work and the implementation of this strategy.

The partnership's ability to develop, share and transfer knowledge and expertise between local and international networks as well as its ability to raise new funds for international work will be critical to its success over the period of this strategy. So will be the notion of excellence, for which international work is a good benchmark.

Developing an infrastructure that allows artists and arts organisations to take up a variety of international opportunities will be a priority of the WAI partnership for the next five years. This will mean focusing on three priorities:
i) maximising international opportunities for the arts in Wales
ii) Increasing investment into WAI's programme of activities
iii) Ensuring international impact and recognition for arts from Wales