EU Slovenian Presidency declaration on culture

Visiting Arts,
19 June 2008, Slovenia

The recommendations based on the conference “New Paradigms, New Models – Culture in the EU External Relations” which took place in Ljubljana, 13/14 May, 2008 as part of Slovenia’s presidency of the European Union.

The conference gathered 240 participants from EU institutions, national administrations and civil society. In their introductory statements, Commissioners Figel’, Ferrero-Waldner and Potočnik, as well as President Pöttering and Minister Rupel, clearly recognised the fundamental contribution of culture to promoting EU values in external relations by fostering democratisation and reconciliation, and by enhancing respect for human rights. They expressed their commitment to further integrate culture in external policies and instruments along the lines of the principles enshrined in the Commission Communication on a European Agenda for Culture.

In the light of this commitment, Member States, the European Commission, the European Parliament and other institutions of the European Union are invited to take into account the following recommendations:
I. Recommendations on policy development:
II. Recommendations related to governance
III. Recommendations on tools,b8fyKlkq