What are the key success factors, challenges, strengths and weaknesses of national arts advocacy campaigns? IFACCA seeks your help in its research on the advocacy campaigns of the world’s national arts support agencies.
We are looking for information on national campaigns that promote the arts generally – such as campaigns to encourage participation in the arts or to advocate the value of the arts to a wide audience. Campaigns that use broadcast media and the internet are of particular interest.
Our questionnaire asks for ‘case study’ information on the objectives, methods, strategies and outcomes of at least one national campaign. It also asks for opinions and ideas on the factors that determine a campaign’s success. The questionnaire is available in English, French and Spanish.
Arts advocacy is a key challenge for government arts agencies and arts sectors around the world. An analysis of the results of the research will be discussed during the World Summit on Arts and Culture in Johannesburg, South Africa, in September 2009. A final report on the research and the discussions will be released soon after.
National arts advocacy campaigns: what makes them successful?
02 July 2009, Australia
Funding to strengthen First Nations arts and languages
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