Experience of library usage - Statistical Bulletin

Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL),
28 March 2013, Northern Ireland

The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) today published “Experience of library usage by adults in Northern Ireland: Findings from the 2011/12 Continuous Household Survey”.

The key findings of the survey were as follows:

· Just under three out of every ten (29%) of the population visit a library at least once a year.

· A higher proportion of females than males visit a public library at least once a year, 33% and 25% respectively.

· The most frequently cited reason for visiting a public library was “To borrow / return / renew books” (72%).

· The most frequently cited reason for not visiting a public library was “Buy or get bought all the books I need” (27%) followed closely by “No need to go”, “Use other sources of information” and “Not really interested” (25%, 24% and 24% respectively).

· Just over three-fifths (62%) of the population in general were satisfied with library provision in Northern Ireland, while 91% of those who visit a library at least once a year were satisfied with the provision.

The bulletin is available to view on the DCAL website.
The document is available for download here.
