We are delighted to announce the publication this week of the WorldCP profile for India - the first ever compilation and analysis of the cultural policies of India - on worldcp.org.
The comprehensive profile, written by Ashish Rajadhyaksha, P. Radhika and Raghavendra Tenkayala, was officially launched by Sarah Gardner, Executive Director, IFACCA and Karsten Warnecke, Deputy Executive Director, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), at the ASEF Experts' Meeting and Public Forum - Creative Economy in Asia and Europe: Emerging Pillar of Economic Growth and Development, held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 4-5 December.
We would like to congratulate the authors of the profile as well as Anmol Vellani, Regional Editor of WorldCP-Asia.
As for all WorldCP profiles, the report covers eight key areas of cultural policy:
• Historical perspective: cultural policies and instruments
• General objectives and principles of cultural policy
• Competence, decision-making and administration
• Current issues in cultural policy development and debate
• Main legal provisions in the cultural field
• Financing of culture
• Public institutions in cultural infrastructure
• Promoting creativity and participation
This structure mirrors exactly that developed over 15 years by ERICarts and the Council of Europe in creating the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe. The Compendium team has been fundamental in the development of the WorldCP project and we thank them for their ongoing support and guidance.
The profile is one of the first profiles to be prepared for a country in Asia and is part of WorldCP-Asia, a major initiative to document the cultural policies of countries in Asia.
WorldCP-Asia is a central component in the development of WorldCP, a central, web-based and continuously updated database of country-specific profiles of policies that relate to culture. Modelled on the Council of Europe/ERICarts Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe, it will also provide the capacity to monitor and analyse global trends in key aspects of cultural policies.
WorldCP-Asia is being coordinated by a partnership between the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)and the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA).
To read the WorldCP profile on India, click here.