Call for Papers - International perspectives on participation and engagement in the arts

Leeds Metropolitan University,
19 December 2013, England

This call for papers invites academics, policy analysts, practitioners and policy makers from the arts, cultural heritage and community sectors to submit abstracts for consideration around any of the following sub themes:

• Case studies of participatory practice or policy in the arts and cultural heritage field: professional and amateur/voluntary;
• Theoretical debates around definitions and ideologies of participation.
• Trends and patterns in participation and engagement in the arts: research and re-search-informed evaluations.
• Comparative analysis of international policy.
• Issues of policy transfer to other areas of public policy.
• How to promote and improve the exchange and utilisation of knowledge amongst practitioners, policy makers, researchers and consultants.

The focus of the conference is on research, evaluation and evidence-informed reflection. We welcome papers based on qualitative action research and participant observation, as well as theoretical studies, policy analysis, evaluation research and statistical analysis of survey data. We also welcome proposals on issues of policy transfer and knowledge utilisation, and critical discussions of research findings and of their implications for practice and policy.

Researchers, marketing and policy consultants, practitioners and policy officials are invited to submit an abstract for a paper presentation or a proposal for a special session. A limited number of session proposals will be selected. The selection of paper presentations and sessions will be announced by end of February 2014.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words describing your proposed paper and/or the session you would like to organise, along with a biog of no more than 100 words. All ab-stracts and enquiries should be sent by email no later than 6th January 2014 to:  for the attention of Leila Jancovich at:
[email protected]

For further information about the event, see the external link below.