IFACCA today launched the 'IFACCA Good Practice Guide on Arts Advocacy: Advocacy arguments and an overview of national arts advocacy campaign case studies and good practice'.
This Good Practice Guide aims to assist anyone interested in promoting the value of the arts by providing a range of topics that can be developed as persuasive arts advocacy arguments, suggestions about good campaign practice, a selection of arts advocacy campaign case studies, and links to other resources.
In order to provide examples of more contemporary campaigns that have used social media technologies, IFACCA commissioned freelance digital and social producer, Elliott Bledsoe (Australia), to compile five additional case studies for inclusion in this Good Practice Guide, and Mauricio Delfín, Director of culturaperu.org (Peru), provided a case study on mascultura.pe. We also thank Randy Cohen (USA), John Holden (UK) and Jordi Baltà (Spain) who kindly gave permission to quote their work in this guide.
Edited by Sarah Gardner, Executive Director, IFACCA, the Guide incorporates the following:
- Arts advocacy arguments
- Arts advocacy campaigns
- Types of Campaigns
- Good Campaign Practice
- Key Findings
- Case studies
- Case studies using social media
IFACCA is interested in expanding on the information already available on this topic and welcome input on other international, national and regional campaigns aimed at raising awareness of the arts. To contribute, please contact IFACCA at [email protected]