1. More Singaporeans are embracing arts and culture matters, from events to education, according to this year's Singapore Cultural Statistics. Visitorship to our National Museums and Heritage Institutions hit a new high of 3.2 million visitors in 2013. There was also an increase in community arts outreach through the PAssionArts movement as more than 100,000 people took part in events and courses under this effort by the People’s Association (PA). The report also showed a growing interest among the youth to enrol in full-time tertiary arts courses or to explore a career in the arts.
Key Highlights of the Singapore Cultural Statistics (SCS) 2014
Visitorship to National Museums and Heritage Institutions reached a new high in 2013
2. According to the SCS 2014 report, visitorship to National Museums and Heritage Institutions reached a new high from 2.8 million in 2012 to 3.2 million in 2013. The National Museum of Singapore received the highest number of visitors at about 1.2 million. This growth was seen after free museum admission was offered to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents in May 2013. The increase took place even as the number of museum activities went down from 29 in 2012 to 20 in 2013. This was mainly due to a focus on longer exhibitions with increased programmes for the public to deepen their experience with heritage and culture. In 2013, museums also geared up for major programmes such as the Singapore Biennale that ran for about four months from Oct 2013 to Feb 2014.
Active community arts outreach through the PAssionArts Movement
3. The PAssionArts Movement is also growing community outreach efforts to bring the arts closer to more Singaporeans. In 2013, more than 14,000 arts and culture events and courses were organised throughout some 86 Community Arts & Culture Clubs around the island. A total of 100,000 residents also participated in arts and cultural activities, organised through the 47 Festival Villages as part of PAssionArts 2013. This is an increase from the 85,000 residents who took part in PAssionArts events in 2012.
Growing interest and confidence among youth to explore a career in the Arts
4. The number of students enrolling into full-time tertiary arts courses has increased from 4,492 in 2012 to 5,409 in 2013. A similar increase was also seen in the enrolment of the School of the Arts, from 934 in 2012 to 1,070 in 2013. This reflects the continued growth in interest and confidence among our youth to deepen their passion for the arts. In turn, this could lead them towards developing a career in the arts or other arts-related sectors.
Decline in the number of ticketed performing arts activities
5. The number of ticketed performing arts activities saw a dip from 3,497 in 2012 to 3,006 in 2013. The fewer number of art offerings led to a corresponding decrease of ticketed attendance at performing arts events in 2013. One key factor leading to the decline is the fewer performing arts events at the Integrated Resorts (IRs). There was a spike in ticketed performing events in 2012, after the IRs came into the scene in 2011.
Increase in attendance for non-ticketed arts and cultural events
6. An increase was however observed for non-ticketed attendance at arts and cultural events (e.g. arts, heritage and library events) from 17.9 million in 2012 to 18.2 million in 2013.
7. Library activities increased from 8,514 in 2012 to 13,849 in 2013. These activities include outreach programmes, talks, performances and roadshows.
Increase in Government funding for the arts and cultural sector
8. Government funding has also increased from $541.4 million in 2012 to $677.3 million in 2013. The growth is attributed to the development of the National Gallery Singapore and the redevelopment of the Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall.
Looking forward
9. The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) is actively investing in facilities, programmes, and strengthening our heartware for Singaporeans to fully engage in the arts and culture. This is in line with developing our nation of cultured and gracious people.
10. Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth said, “Singapore’s arts and cultural landscape has been steadily growing in vibrancy over the past few years. As we celebrate our Golden Jubilee, there will be more opportunities for Singaporeans to enjoy the arts through events like the SG Dance Day, Concerts in the Park, the Jubilee Walk, and a variety of trails and exhibitions. We will continue to work with our agencies and partners to bring the arts and culture closer to all Singaporeans, to share the Singapore story, to strengthen our national identity.”
11. MCCY, together with the National Arts Council, National Heritage Board, People’s Association and the National Library Board, will continue to work together to create more exciting and meaningful arts and culture engagement for Singaporeans.
- See more at: http://www.mccy.gov.sg/en/news/press-releases/2014/Cultural_Stats_2014.aspx#sthash.ZDRz44Jl.dpuf