The decision means that organisations must commit to complying with the Charity Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) where appropriate; publish annual accounts; list information about board members and, in the case of organisations receiving more than 100,000 in funding, salaries of senior staff.
At its December plenary meeting, the Arts Council welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Arts Heritage & the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys, that it is to be allocated an additional €2 million in funding for 2015, bringing the Arts Council’s total grant-in-aid to almost €60 million. The Minister said the extra money would be earmarked for the Arts Council’s commemorative programme as part of ‘Ireland 2016’.
Also at the December plenary meeting, the Council made decisions to award grants to more than 200 arts organisations in its three main grant programmes. The offers of funding, totalling more than €36 million and covering every county in the state, will be issued by letter to organisations from 5 January 2015.
The Arts Council also agreed that funded arts organisations will be required from 2015 to comply with a transparency code adapted from the Boardmatch Ireland Governance Transparency Scale. The decision means that organisations must commit to complying with the Charity Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) where appropriate; publish annual accounts; list information about board members and, in the case of organisations receiving more than €100,000 in funding, salaries of senior staff. More detailed information can be seen