Creative New Zealand’s New Zealanders and the Arts—Ko Aotearoa me ōna Toi research provides a benchmark for New Zealanders attitudes, attendance, and participation in the arts since 2005.
New Zealanders and the Arts—Ko Aotearoa me ōna Toi is a key resource for Creative New Zealand – it helps inform their policy, planning, implementation of key strategies and programme design, and supports their partnerships and advocacy work. It’s also used extensively by local authorities and arts communities in their own planning and advocacy work.
The 2023 results show New Zealanders’ personal connection with the arts has grown and plays an important role in aiding wellbeing. Further, the arts play a greater role in shaping our national identity. Support for Ngā Toi Māori and Pacific arts is increasing, and the positive attitudes towards the economic benefits of the arts remain higher than pre-pandemic levels. Accessibility is still a barrier that needs to be addressed so that more New Zealanders can participate, attend, and engage with the arts.