As the term of the National Arts Council (NAC) Council comes to a close, we would like to take a moment to bid farewell to the Arts Sector, NAC Management and Staff, the Department of Sport, Arts & Culture (DSAC), the Parliamentary Portfolio of Sport, Arts and Culture, and our esteemed public and private sector partners.
It has been our privilege to serve the South African cultural and creative sector over the past four years (2021-2024). Throughout our term, the NAC has pursued a vision of innovative and transformative growth, aiming to enhance the services provided to the arts and culture community in South Africa. Despite facing initial challenges, particularly the severe impacts of COVID-19 on the arts sector, we rose to the occasion, stabilizing the organization and achieving significant progress through strategic partnerships and implementing impactful programs. We are proud of the legacy we leave behind, having met all our established targets.
Some of the major successes achieved during our term include:
- Distributing R586 million in grant funding to beneficiaries;
- Funding 3,051 individuals and organizations in the arts;
- Awarding 295 bursaries to arts students for both local and international studies;
- Establishing the South African National Orchestra (Mzansi National Philharmonic Orchestra) in partnership with DSAC;
- Creating over 100,000 jobs through supported programs;
- Receiving three consecutive Unqualified Audit Opinions from the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA);
- International Exposure for the arts practitioners in countries such as Seychelles, Morroco, USA, Hong Kong, UK, Europe, Senegal, India, Germany, Ghana, China, Eswatini and Columbia (amongst others).
We have also cultivated and strengthened collaborative partnerships with local, continental, and international artistic entities, providing South African artists with global exposure across our seven NAC-mandated disciplines: Music, Craft, Literature, Visual Arts, Theatre, Dance, and Multi-discipline.
Flagship partnerships were formed with organizations such as the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, National Arts Council of Botswana, National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, Visa For Music Morocco, South African Gallery of Legends, Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture, and the Esther Mahlangu Foundation. These collaborations will continue to create opportunities for South African artists in international markets for years to come.
Additionally, NAC Office-Bearer Ms. Julie Diphofa was appointed as Deputy Chairperson of The International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) and Chair of the African Chapter. IFACCA is a global network representing arts councils and ministries from over 70 countries.
Our focus on transformation ensured that art practitioners and organizations from rural and underserved provinces, as well as vulnerable groups (including women, youth, disabled individuals, and the LGBTQ community), accessed NAC services and funding. We are pleased to report that all targets set by the Council were achieved in this area, ensuring representation and support for these groups.
Moreover, we established nine (9) NAC help desks across South Africa, enhancing accessibility for artists nationwide. These help desks were created in partnership with local provincial entities aligned with the NAC’s mandate.
As our term concludes, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated Management and Staff, who have been instrumental in implementing the NAC’s mission. They are the true heroes of our journey. We also thank former NAC Council Members and Honourable National Ministers for their collaboration and support.
NAC Chairperson H.R.H. Princess Celenhle Dlamini remarked, “This Council has demonstrated over the last four years that when we unite in purpose, with a shared vision and collaborate towards common goals, our collective efforts become more impactful. This unity not only enhances our ability to address current challenges but also fosters an environment of trust and cooperation. Moving forward, it’s essential for the National Arts Council to build on this foundation by encouraging open dialogue and actively seeking diverse perspectives. By doing so, we can identify areas for further improvement and develop innovative solutions”.
In closing, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to the Honourable Minister, Director-General, Deputy Director-General, and Director of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, as well as the Arts Sector, for the robust engagement and unwavering support throughout our tenure. It has been an incredible honour to serve the NAC.
We wish the incoming Council all the best and are confident they will continue to diligently serve the arts community.
As the great African novelist Chinua Achebe once said, “The world is like a mask dancing. If you want to see it well, You do not stand in one place.”
With love,
The NAC Council (2021-2024)
H.R.H. Princess Celenhle Dlamini (Chairperson), Mr. Bongani Tembe (Deputy Chairperson), Ms. Stephanie D’Silva, Ms. Nise Malange, Mr. Boniface Mazilazila, Ms. Bernadette Muthien, Mr. Jones
Chisekula, Mr. Tsepo Mtwana, Advocate Eric Makhosini Nkosi, Dr. Celiwe Ngwenya, Ms. Layla Swart, Dr. Noncedo Khewu, Ms. Kim Mathews, Mr. Mochini Mokhena, Mr. Simon Kekana.