Delegates from 16 countries attended the Education & the Arts mini summit, hosted by IFACCA, the Australia Council for the Arts and Arts Victoria. The report on outcomes from this mini-summit, Moving Forward on Arts and Education, is available here.
The Mini-summit was linked to a joint project between UNESCO, IFACCA and the Australia Council for the Arts to produce a global compendium on arts and education research. The compendium, entitled The Wow Factor: Global research compendium on the impact of arts in education, was published in March 2006. Written by Professor Bamford, it compares data and case studies from more than 60 countries, analysing the differences between ‘education in the arts’ and ‘education through the arts, developing internationally comparable standards for quality arts education and identifying a number of concrete educational, cultural, and social benefits of arts education.
Case studies from the Wow Factor are available on-line at UNESCO’s ‘Links to Education and the Arts’ website. The compendium can be purchased from the publisher, Waxmann.
Associated resources can be found at the IFACCA website's topic page for this topic.