The 6th Conference of the International Media Management Academic Association (IMMAA) on Media and Creative Industries - Policies, Business and Challenges will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, on 3-4 May 2013.
Further information regarding this conference will be updated on this site in the near future.
Program Committee and Organizing Committee Include:
- Paulo Faustino and Eli Noam, Co-Chairman
- John Lavine and Chris Scholz, Past Chairman
Registration will be available shortly.
Call for Papers
The programme committee invites researchers and practitioners to submit proposals for papers to be presented at the 2013 IMMAA annual conference. Please send either completed papers, where available, or a brief summary of the topic to be presented. The program committee also invites the following:
- Proposals for panel topics
- Recommendations for outside speakers, including for keynote and opening speakers
- Recommendations for other researchers to whom a call for papers should be sent
For more information about the event and submission deadlines, click on the following links:
In English
En Español
Em Portugués
Submissions should be sent to Paulo Faustino with the subject “Lisbon IMMAA Conference” via email at [email protected].