The first MAPSI (Managing Art projects with Societal Impact) international conference, held in Tallinn, July 7th 2015, aims to bring together researchers, academics, students and educators as well as practitioners involved with artistic and societal activities in order to explore the emerging issues around the managing art project with societal impact topic. We are focusing on contributions where arts and cultural issues are managed to achieve public and societal objectives from various disciplines; all management approaches, cultural policy, social sciences art and economics. As a part of the conference, the study visits to organizations involved with societal impact of art will take place. The program will be also enriched with the optional study visits on July 6th and showcasing of Estonian music.
Conference key speakers
Key-speakers of the conference are Dr Eleonora Belfiore, Associate Professor of Cultural Policy, Director of Studies of the Warwick Commission on the Future of Cultural Value, and one of the main tutors for the MA in International Cultural Policy and Management; Takaya Kawamura, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, Osaka City University and Hanna Brotherus, Finnish choreographer.
Call for papers
For research sessions researchers, academics, students and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for paper or poster presentations or a performance. Proposals from any relevant discipline will be considered, providing an original academic or practical contribution to the study or education of arts and cultural management with societal impact. Various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audio-visual media and multimedia, design and more) are welcome.