Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities & Territories

15 June 2014, Turkey

Diversity within regions is often considered one way to achieve sustainability and stability in economic growth and development.  As a region’s social and economic structure becomes more diverse, it becomes less sensitive to external shocks. Variety in economic activities as well as divergent local cultures within the region is a source of regional strength and resilience. The concept of resilience has often been used in regional development to define robustness, strength, flexibility and the ability to respond to external shocks. Building resilient regions is seen as particularly important in the wake of the global economic crisis as a new source of economic growth. This objective is emphasized both by the OECD’s agenda for stronger, cleaner and fairer economies and by EU2020’s call for smart, inclusive, sustainable economies.  The objectives in both agendas are complementary.

The Regional Studies Association European Conference 2014 on ‘Diverse Regions: Building Resilient Communities and Territories’ presents a timely opportunity to discuss these issues, to establish the need and nature of future research imperatives, and to address the concerns and challenges confronting policymakers and practitioners.

Plenary Speakers
Plenary Session 1: Regional Studies vs. Today's Challenges - Monday 16th June 2014
Professor Ron Boschma, CIRCLE at Lund University, Sweden
Dr Amy Glasmeier, MIT, USA

Plenary Session 2: Turkey's Regional Policies towards European Integration - Tuesday 17th June 2014
Nahit Bingol, Director General, Ministry for Development, Turkey

Plenary Session 3: Culture, Creativity and Technology - Wednesday 18th June 2014
Professor Philip Cooke, Cardiff University, UK
Professor Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, Denmark

Conference fees
Please ensure you are a paid up 2014 member of the Regional Studies Association if you intend to register at the member's rate. Early bird rates will only apply up until Monday 24th February 2014. After this date, the late registration fee will apply to everyone.

For more information, please see the conference website at the external link below.

A call for papers has been released. Further details are available at IFACCA's International News listing.