The first edition of the Euro-African Campus for Cultural Cooperation will be held in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2009. The project has been designed by the Interarts Foundation and the Observatory of Cultural Policies in Africa (OCPA), in the framework of a cultural cooperation programme initiated in 2003 that involves research, awareness-raising, training and networking activities. The project also aims to build on other relevant initiatives and involve other partners and organisations with shared aims, in order to guarantee the relevance and effectiveness of the event. To this end, a series of preparatory activities have been carried out since 2007, including the identification of good practices, dissemination of the project and cooperation with other organisations.
The general aim of the Campus is to provide a meeting, training and exchange point for cultural agents in Africa and Europe to reflect, transfer knowledge, exchange experiences and discuss possible joint activities in the field of cultural cooperation, in the broader context of the contribution of culture and cultural dialogue to sustainable development, human rights, democracy and poverty reduction.
The Campus is proposed as a five-day event which will combine plenary sessions devoted to the transversal issues at stake and workshops enabling a sectorial approach. The latter shall provide the atmosphere for networking and the design of new projects.