Dates: 19,20 & 21 December 2016
Venue: ArtsAcre Foundation, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Event: Gender Mainstreaming & Cultural Rights
International Conference – Women and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development
The aim of the Conference is to create a civic space for promoting gender and diversity in cultural institutions and agencies:
- Promoting critical reflections on the current state of gendered concerns,
- Sharing and promoting case studies and demonstration projects, and
- Advancing critical discourse in gender studies and cultural institutions.
The conference will feature plenary speakers and papers submitted by participants. Interested researchers, policy makers, curators and cultural programmers are invited to submit a 150-word abstract of their proposed papers and a 50-word personal Bio. An editorial group will respond to submissions within 6 weeks. The following broad categories will form the structure of the conference.
- Conceptual understandings of Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Parity,
- Critical mapping of the current situation through case studies,
- Policy imperatives for transformative planning,
- Capacity building, upskilling and up scaling for achieving Gender Parity,
- Creativity – the ongoing exploration of the interplay between arts, culture, heritage, creativity and gender,
- Cultural diversity and embedding gender parity in cultural agencies, and
- Any other interdisciplinary area that falls within the ambit of the Conference purpose.
Important Dates
Submission of Abstracts & Registration
First Round by: 31st July 2016, if selected submit full paper by 15th August 2016
Second Round by: 15th August 2016, if selected submit full paper by 30th Sept 2016
Third Round by: 30th Sept 2016, if selected submit full paper by 15th October 2016
Last Registration by: 31st October 2016
NB: Staggered deadlines have been set to enable peer review process.