ITYARN Conference and ASSITEJ Focus Days

Co-hosted by ASSITEJ - International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People,
17 May 2017, South Africa

The International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network (ITYARN) in association with the University of Cape Town (UCT) and Drama for Life, based at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), invite you to submit proposals for the Conference “Cradle of Creativity: Examining intercultural exchange and diversity in theatre for young audiences” in Cape Town, South Africa, 2017.

The ITYARN conference will present research into theatre for children and young people, related to this theme. Presentations and workshops will be held in the Drama Department on the centrally-placed Hiddingh Campus of the University of Cape Town, in Gardens, Cape Town.

Aside from the ITYARN Conference, the ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival also includes focus-days on which additional seminars, symposia, workshops, readings and other events can take place. We invite proposals that are related specifically to the identified focus. Theatre pieces relating to these foci will also be available as part of the broader festival of theatre for young audiences. 


  • Cradle of Creativity: 17 – 27 May 2017
  • ITYARN Research Conference: 16 - 17 May 2017
  • ASSITEJ Focus Days: 18 – 27 May 2017

The Focus Days :

•          Indigenous and Contemporary forms of Storytelling for Youth (18 May) in association with DFL.

•          Music Theatre for Young Audiences (19 May).

•          Theatre for Social Change (20 May) in association with DFL.

•          Theatre for Healing (21 May) in association with DFL.

•          Theatre for Children by Children (21 May) in association with DFL.

•          Dance Theatre for Young Audiences (24 May).

•          Theatre for Young Audiences in Africa (25 May) in association with ACYTA (African Children and Youth Theatre Arena).

•          Inclusive theatre (26 May) in association with IIAN (International Inclusive Arts Network).

•          Theatre for the Early Years (27 May) in association with Small Size Network.

•          New Writing for Young Audiences (across the festival), in association with Write Local. Play Global.

Call for proposals for research papers, posters, symposia, panel discussion, workshops, pecha kucha, and screenings for either ITYARN Research Conference or the ASSITEJ Focus Days.

Deadline for proposals: 15th September 2016