Local cultural policy: Re-thinking local cultural policy: new identity and new paradigm

17 September 2010, North Macedonia

The conference will mark the first of a series of conferences on special themes in our three-year project “CULTURE FROM/FOR ALL” (2009-2012).

The overall theme of the conference “Re-thinking local cultural policy: new identity and new paradigm” can be seen as one of the interesting, challenging and provocative topics in the local development area. It should also be counted as one of the fundamental topics for the local development in general and cultural studies in particular.

Culture is not just some kind of an extra option given to the Municipalities in the Balkan region, but it is their essential component for social regeneration, improvement of the life quality of its citizens, as well as to its economic development.

A city's culture is its seal - a unique collection of distinctiveness, resources, skills and assets that make it different from any other city. City's culture could be the key to provide improved quality of life for the citizens and visitors. Everyone has something to contribute to the cultural development of its own city. It is the diversity, skills and ideas of the community that could make each city an interesting one and a place where people want to live, work and visit. Culture touches all of us in our daily lives and can make a real difference to our future. It can make a significant contribution to achieving the city's objectives by making an impact on the economy, employment, crime, health, education, the environment, transport, etc.


The Conference themes of interest are the following:

-       Models of Local Cultural policies

-       The power of Culture in regeneration of cities

-       Participatory Local cultural Policies

-       New images of the cities

-       Branding the city

-       City identities

-       Cultural identities and the city

-       Cultural diversity: Challenge or problems of the cities?

-       Re-thinking local cultural policy: new identity and new paradigm

-       Culture, Economy and the city development

-       Cultural Tourism

-       Cultural industries and city development

-       Local cultural policies: new models

-       Culture as an aspect of public policy: active citizenship

-       Evolving culture in the 21st century cities: new models and new paradigms

-       Re-thinking the cities: creativity and politics

-       Local cultural policies in the Balkans: current situation: challenges and opportunities.