Historic commitment by cultural policy leaders of the Americas
30 August 2002, USA
IFACCA was amongst several international organisations named in the Declaration and Plan of Action agreed at the first Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities in Colombia in mid-July. The Declaration touches on cultural rights, culture and equity, cultural policies, cultural creators and organisations etc, cultural heritage, culture and development, and the role of national and international organisations. The Plan of Action outlines strategies such as creating an inter-american committee on culture and an
inter-american cultural policy observatory; engaging with civil society; preserving cultural heritage; and encouraging partnerships for cooperation. Many stimulating presentations were made at the Meeting including that by Presentation by German Rey sent to IFACCA by the Colombian Ministry of Culture.
Declaration and Plan of Action (English 30k PDF)
Declaration and Plan of Action (Español 48k PDF)
Presentation by German Rey (English 50k PDF)
Presentation by German Rey (Español 56k PDF)