A Meeting to discuss ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) harmonisation in Africa, how to monitor and evaluate the progress and way forward to better adapt Africa policy and regulatory environment to the challenges of digital transformation has taken place in Addis Ababa this week.
Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA) - Continental Meeting on Harmonisation of ICT Policies and Regulations
African Union,
05 September 2019, Ethiopia
Uniting Voices: Charting a Path to AAFMA 2025 and Africa's Cinematic Future
East Africa Art, Culture Festival enhances people to people relations: Deputy PM Demeke
See all news from Ethiopia
A New Dawn: Historic Bill paves way for Malawi’s National Arts and Heritage Council
SA placed to use cultural, natural heritage to promote economic growth – Ramaphosa
See all news from Africa
Technology and digitalisation
La educación, la ciencia y la cultura: elementos clave de la transformación digital de Iberoamérica, apuntan autoridades en un foro en Nueva York
Cultural heritage goes digital in Cyprus
See all news from Technology and digitalisation
International exchange
Harmony for the Pacific: Uniting Indonesia and the Pacific Through Culture
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait sign MoU to boost cultural cooperation
See all news from International exchange