The art of valuing: between evident and evidence-based - IFACCA at Brussels meeting

30 January 2015, Belgium

IFACCA's European coordinator, Dr Diane Dodd, will represent IFACCA during a two day Satellite meeting for policy makers and funders in Brussels on 17 and 18 February 2015.  The Meeting, organised by IETM and Flanders Arts Institute aims to gather representatives of Ministries of Culture and Arts Councils from Europe, Asia, Canada and Australia. The discussion will focus on the different models for measuring and demonstrating the values of culture and its impacts on societies, as well as the role of such measurements on informing national cultural policies.

The meeting will ask, how we can answer increasing demands for measurable evidence of the value of culture while enhancing a vibrant climate for the arts? Different models exist in various countries to measure the value and the impact of the arts and culture on society: some models are based strictly on data, others are more qualitative; some focus on economy, others encompass a broader scope of impacts. So how do the arts contribute to societies? If impacts are measured, how do the results influence national cultural policies, if at all? And, who should measure the impacts: the funder, the artist or both?

On Tuesday 17 February, an open-house keynote speech will be given by Pascal Gielen (Belgium) entitled: Evidence based or commons based? And following this, Diane Dodd from IFACCA will moderate a panel discussion with Mieke Van Hecke (Belgium); Abigail Gilmore, Manchester University (UK); Péter Inkei, Budapest Observatory (Hungary) and Mercedes Giovinazzo, Interarts Foundation (Spain).

On Wednesday 18 February, Diane Dodd will introduce the morning sessions with key questions and examples and then invite presentations on models for evaluating and monitoring arts practices from Wendy Were, Australia Council for the Arts, Laurien Saraber, FPK - Fund for the Performing Arts (the Netherlands) and Madeline Ritter, Tanzfonds Erbe (Germany).

If you are interested in this subject areas, IFACCA has a notable resource section on its website related to arts advocacy, advocacy tools.  Many of IFACCA's members have published reports on relevant areas of evaluation for example, health and the arts, or sport and culture etc. Besides being directed to these resource tools, attendees at the meeting will also receive a copy of the IFACCA Fact Sheet on Arts Advocacy in advance of the meeting.