Image: Researchers Meet in Seoul
Credit: IFACCA
(from left to right) Chung Changho (Arts Council Korea), Sarah Gardner (IFACCA), Marianne Berger Marjanovic (Arts Council Norway), Kiwon Hong (Sookmyung Women's University), Angela Yu, (Hong Kong Arts Development Council), Jonathon Blackburn (Arts Council England), Annamari Laaksonen (IFACCA), Eva-Maria Hakola (Arts Promotion Centre Finland), Lisa Walsh (Australia Council for the Arts), Alistair Evans (Creative Scotland) and Kwon Yongmin (Arts Council Korea)
The 5th IFACCA Researchers Meeting was co-hosted by the Arts Council of Korea and took place in Seoul, South Korea, on 3–5 July. The meeting was attended by 14 researchers from eight countries. The meeting coincided with the International Conference of Cultural Policy Research, and its objectives were to share information on current research priorities, project and methods; discuss the role of arts policy research and its connection to cultural policies; provide feedback on IFACCA’s research activities and upcoming research projects and discuss research topics.