IFACCA’s Executive Director Magdalena Moreno Mujica was invited by the Secretary of Culture of Mexico and FONCA to present at the Colloquium series: Políticas entre regiones: Instituciones puente / Inter-Regional Policies: Bridging Institutions. The colloquium took place during the IX Edition of ENARTES (International Performing Arts Market and Festival of Mexico) in Mexico City from 4 to 8 December 2017.
IFACCA spoke on international trends and issues related to the performing arts, mobility and international exchange from the government lens representing the federation. Other panellists included; Jimena Lara, Dirección General de Asuntos Internacionales, Secretaría de Cultura, Joachim Gerstmeier at Foundation Siemens Stiftung and Anna Galas-Kosil, President of the On the Move Board. The panellists all concurred that solid dialogue and collaborations were key in international exchanges to support mobility, and highlighted the need for respect and understanding when engaging in other cultural contexts.
IFACCA congratulates the Secretary of Culture and FONCA for the successful gathering of global thought leaders, programmers and companies together in Mexico City. During this visit, IFACCA also participated in a series of presentations and meetings with the Secretary of Culture of Mexico, key public federal institutions such as Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (INBA), Centro de las Artes (CENART), Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA) and Centro Cultural Helénico. In addition, IFACCA also met with a range of representatives from State agencies and Municipalities providing a deeper understanding of the diverse opportunities and challenges on a local level.
IFACCA’s Executive Director had a fruitful meeting with the Secretary of Culture of Mexico to start to map out the 2018 joint agenda and looks forward to working closely with Mexico in the new year.