Meredith Okell, IFACCA’s Communications and Engagement Manager, represented the Federation at the inaugural meeting of the International Arts Association Congress (IAAC), which took place in Perth, Australia from 15-18 February 2018. The meeting brought together 15 representatives from international associations and markets to build connections between networks; discuss common areas of interest and activity; share best practice; and explore the potential value of ongoing collaboration to build capacity and thought leadership across the sector.
Over three days, delegates discussed key issues that ranged from communications and online tools and platforms, to conferences and markets, and ways in which to measure and articulate the impact of investment in the arts. The meeting coincided with the Perth International Arts Festival, allowing delegates to experience a rich cultural programme that included the West Australian Ballet’s series of four short works, Milky Way at the City Beach Quarry Amphitheatre; as well as Inua Ellams’ Barber Shop Chronicles.
The meeting was hosted by Performing Arts Connections (PAC) Australia and organised in collaboration with the NordicBaltic Festival Platform (NBFP).
Delegates in attendance included:
Mr Rick Heath
Executive Director, Performing Arts Connections Australia (Australia)
Ms Leelo Lehtla
Director, NordicBaltic Festival Platform (Estonia)
Mr David Baile
CEO, International Society for the Performing Arts (USA)
Mr Jake Beaumont- Nesbitt
Policy Advisor, International Music Managers Forum (UK)
Mr John Bickley
European Governor, Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion;
Founder and Chair of International Artist Managers' Association (UK)
Mr Dae-won Choe
Head of Arts Centres Support Department, Korean Cultural and Arts Centres Association (South Korea)
Ms Louise Gallagher
General Manager, Performing Arts Network New Zealand (New Zealand)
Mr Douglas Gautier
Chairman, Association of Asia Pacific Performing Arts Centre (Australia)
Mr Drew James
Senior Producer, Performing Arts Network New Zealand (New Zealand)
Mr Alejandro Jimenez de la Cuesta
Founder, Mexican Presenters Association (Mexico)
Ms Yan Pan
Secretary General, China Association of Performing Arts (China)
Ms Bethwyn Serow
Executive Director, Australian Major Performing Arts Group (Australia)
Mr Ryan Taaffe
Executive Director, CircuitWest (Australia)
Ms Shauna Weeks
Manager Communications and Programming, Perth Theatre Trust (Australia)