Investment in cultural and creative activity is high on international public agendas as nations seek to harness its economic, social and cultural benefits. The non-governmental finance market for arts, culture and creativity in Australia – and industry’s knowledge of these diverse financial options – remains under-researched. This report addresses these gaps in research and awareness by painting a fuller picture of the scope and scale of financial inflows to the cultural and creative industries. It also explores new ways to assess and articulate return on investment (ROI) across short, medium and long-term time horizons.
To Scale: Mapping Financial Inflows in Australian Arts, Culture and Creativity
A New Approach (ANA),
31 August 2023, Australia
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Creative and cultural industries
Conozca el Comité Asesor Internacional del Programa de la 10a Cumbre Mundial de las Artes y la Cultura
Meet the International Programme Advisory Committee of the 10th World Summit on Arts and Culture
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