More people at concerts and theatres, but fewer than before the pandemic

Kulturdirektoratet - Arts and Culture Norway,
02 December 2024, Norway

In 2023, close to 3.4 million spectators visited music and performing arts institutions with public funding. Of these, 941,000 were festival visitors. Overall, visits increased by 7 percent from 2022, but are at the same time 12 percent lower than in 2019.

Music festivals for the prince gong included in the statistics

The Directorate of Culture's annual statistics show the development over time of the publicly supported music and performing arts institutions. Until now, the statistics have included institutions that receive grants from the national budget and from the Sámi Parliament. In the statistics for 2023, music festivals for prince gong are included in the statistics.

"The goal is for the statistics to show the development for the most mature music and performing arts institutions across the country," says Torbjørn Urfjell, department director for society and arenas in the Norwegian Directorate of Culture.

"This year, we present data for the music festivals with the largest public funding. The statistics allow one to compare the development in the festival area with the rest of the music and performing arts field. In the long term, we will include several festivals and other music and performing arts institutions.

The statistics for 2023 include 35 music festivals that receive one million kroner or more in grants from Arts Council Norway's music festival scheme. The statistics range from the Varanger Festival in the north to Risør Chamber Music Festival in the south and show figures for audience, activity and finances in the last five years. The festival figures are in addition to the statistics on theatres, orchestras, opera companies, choirs and dance institutions, with additions from the national budget.

Festival activity down, increase for other activities

The festivals had a slight reduction in the number of concerts, exhibitions and dissemination activities from around 3,500 events in 2022 to around 3,300 in 2023. Theatres, opera companies, orchestras, choirs and dance institutions, on the other hand, went up from around 14 700 events to 15 400 in the same period. Overall, around 18,700 events were held, which is 3 per cent higher than in 2022.

Own income increases more than public contributions

Total operating expenses increased by around 4 per cent from 2022 to NOK 4.85 billion in 2023. In the same period, the companies increased their own earnings by 13 per cent, from around NOK 825 million to around NOK 930 million. The own income is mainly from ticket sales, gifts, sponsorship income, rental activities and catering.

The same public contribution increased to NOK 3.85 billion in 2023, an increase of 1 per cent from 2022. The share of public sector contributions to total revenues has decreased from 2022 to 2023. The figure below shows developments in different types of income in the period 2019-2023, as a share of total income.

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Collect figures for music and performing arts institutions and festivals

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Figures for individual institutions

The table of individual institutions shows figures for the public, activity and finances. Audience numbers and activity figures for The Norwegian Touring Theatre, The Sami National Theatre Beaivváš and Åarjelhsaemien Theatre/South Sami Theatre are also included.