All in for Arts: A rallying cry for a more creative Aotearoa

Creative New Zealand - Toi Aotearoa,
05 June 2024, New Zealand

One of the best things about All in for Arts is listening to perspectives and stories from communities around the motu about the value of creativity to them. Five speakers give short personal speeches at each event. They’re often funny, sometimes surprising, sometimes artistic, and sometimes move you to tears.

It’s a diverse range of voices connected by universal human experiences of creativity. We heard from Arts Laureates, students, entrepreneurs, mayors and even a former All Black turned ceramic artist with a day-job as a real estate agent. 

The kaupapa is positive, but that doesn’t mean speakers can’t lay down a challenge or call for change – in fact it’s better if they do. We then share their words far and wide with the public, local leaders and decision-makers.

Over 56 personal speeches on the impact of creativity, we heard some clear themes emerge. Here’s an overview on what those were.