Latest SAC grants reach across Scotland

20 August 2002, United Kingdom

The Scottish Arts Council (SAC) has recently announced that its latest lottery awards will provide valued support to playing, performing and public arts projects in communities across the country. Nine grants valued between £5,000 and £99,475 have been allocated to projects across Scotland, representing a new opportunity for individual communities to enjoy hands on experience in the arts. ‘Whether it’s through playing in their local band, rehearsing in their local hall or by visiting a new dedicated arts centre,’ Jim Tough, Head of Strategic Development at the SAC commented. ‘I'm especially pleased that we have been able to support two significant initiatives, in the new children's hospital in Aberdeen and new primary schools in Ayrshire,’ Tough remarked. Both of the projects will lead the way in involving artists from the very early design stages, to develop buildings which are both practical for everyday use, he added. The nine recipients are as follows;
  • Palace Players, Kirkwall, Orkney - received £99,745 towards the cost of improving the Orkney Arts Studio, to provide storage for scenery, props and costumes, as well as making the rehearsal and meeting space fully accessible for people with a disability.
  • Citadel Company, Aberdeen - received £75,000 towards further investigative work into developing a landmark building in the Castlegate, Aberdeen as a high-quality centre for the visual arts.
  • Aberdeen Arts Centre (Castlegate Arts Ltd) - were awarded £34,745 to allow it to upgrade the auditorium's lighting. The Arts Centre currently provides summer workshops in stagecraft for children and young people and this lottery award will benefit those attending the drama workshops.
  • Cairn Gorm Mountain Trust - were granted £30,000 towards the cost of involving artists' in developing proposals for the recreational landscape in the Cairngorms.
  • Buchan Pipe Band - received £5,000 towards the cost of new instruments and instrument parts, including chanters, drums and pipe bags. The new instruments will allow the band to recruit more members and to take on more trainees from local schools.
  • Grampian University Hospitals Trust, Aberdeen - were awarded £30,664 towards the cost of a team of artists to work in collaboration with the Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital Design Team in developing proposals for a unique, holistic and family-friendly new children's hospital.
  • Langholm Halls Management Committee, Dumfries and Galloway - received £21,000 towards the costs of developing a proposal to improve Buccleuch Hall so that it can be used by more members of the community, particularly young people, and to provide facilities for rehearsals, performances and exhibtions by both local groups and tours by national arts companies.
  • North Ayrshire Council - were awarded £12,300 towards the costs of involving artists in the initial design stages of new schools in Ayrshire, to create a stimulating environment for local primary pupils.
  • Peebles Burgh Silver Band - received £34,676 towards the purchase of 25 new brass instruments, including tenor horns, tubas and cornets which will then allow the band's old instruments to be used by new learners.
  • The WASPS Trust, Aberdeen - received £8,095 towards the cost of feasibility work into plans to redevelop a site at Langstane Place, Aberdeen, for use as artists' workshops and studio spaces. The Trust's current premises in Aberdeen are due to be demolished.