UK Portuguese Performing Arts Awards

20 August 2002, United Kingdom

UK organisations, Visiting Arts and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation have recently launched a new series of awards which will support the creation of new work by Portuguese performing artists in the UK. The Portuguese Performing Arts Awards will fund UK performing arts organisations wishing to commission Portuguese artists not resident in Britain to work with their British counterparts. According to a media release, the residencies and the period of joint exploration that the awards will provide, will nurture and support the development of new artistic commissions. These will allow for educational and professional development among artists and members of the general public and encourage public UK performances of new works by Portuguese artists. The awards will involve contemporary commissions in the fields of drama, dance, music, physical theatre and performance art, and will support creative collaborations between arts organisations based in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Portuguese artists(s) working in the performing arts. Up to four Awards, each to a maximum of £10,000, will be available for projects taking place between 1 April 2003 and 31 March 2004. Funding will be provided to cover the cost of; international and UK travel, accommodation throughout the duration of the stay, per diems for meals, incidental expenses and materials. Nelson Fernandez, Head of Performing Arts & Training at Visiting Arts, has commented that the awards mark 'an exciting opportunity for Visiting Arts to further nurture the growing interest and desire of UK artists and arts organisations in working with artists from Portugal.’ Reflecting these sentiments Miguel Santos, Programme Director, Anglo-Portuguese Cultural Relations at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, has remarked that the awards provide an excellent opportunity to further the Foundation's work in encouraging, promoting and supporting a culture usually under-represented in the UK. 'I hope that these Awards will lead to a greater awareness here of the richness of Portuguese contemporary culture,' he added. The Awards are being offered in partnership with the Arts Councils of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the British Council. Information on Visiting Arts is available online at; Information on the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is available online at;