Resource learning and access facilities available online

Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries,
01 October 2002, United Kingdom

Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries hs currently made available a list of links, reports and publications detailing their Learning and Access strategy. The learning and access team aims to help museums, archives and libraries develop accessible and inclusive collections and services that provide learning, inspiration and enjoyment for everyone. The team takes the approach that the learning agenda cannot be separated from the access agenda. In other words, people cannot engage with or use collections and services unless they have physical, sensory, intellectual, financial and cultural access to them. This broad understanding of the term access also informs the work of the team, which covers cultural diversity, disability and social inclusion issues. There is a similarly broad understanding of museums', archives' and libraries' role in learning, with the team covering both formal and lifelong learning. A full list of available publications, reports etc is available online at;